Carbon Neutral Project

These vending machines are part of something bigger: the ecosystem.

Carbon Neutral Project

The goal is ambitious but the motivation is higher: reaching carbon neutrality and serving as an example to other big players in the manufacturing industry, aware of the evidence that a change is only possible when we join forces.


Over the past years, SandenVendo’s commitment has proven incisive thanks to a winning combination of climate-favoring endeavors that led to the creation of the Carbon Neutral Project whose strategy is to plant trees to equalize the CO2 emissions caused by the firm's Italian manufacturing plant’s activity.


After launching the project in 2020, the company, with the aim of offsetting its direct and indirect carbon emissions, quickly intensified, even tripled its intentions by planting over 2,000 trees in a protected area in northern Italy along the Po River, thus promoting the flourishing of local flora and fauna.


To achieve the goal of NET ZERO by 2030, SandenVendo strives for other various activities too, such as switching to renewable energy sources and purchasing carbon credits.

Always attentive to give back what we take from our planet, today we were able to plant 2000+ new trees also thanks to a satellite activity launched in 2020 to contribute financially to the reforestation of the Po River Park.

In fact, a careful eye will notice a Carbon Neutral sticker applied on our newest installations around the world: a sign to prove that buying from SandenVendo is a smart choice for the planet too.


Part of the profits generated with the sales of our vending machines is used to plant trees: the more vending machines will be sold, the more new trees will grow strong and purify the air.

Since 2022, SandenVendo has partnered with a local honey producer to collect nectar directly from the hive.

There's more to bees than honey; in fact, they are essential for maintaining a healthy ecosystem, but not all of them produce honey. Bees play a crucial role in pollination thanks to their habit of using the hairs on their bodies to carry large grains of pollen between plants.

The importance of keeping a high number of wild bees is related to biodiversity; without them, the world would be a very different place. For the company, collaborating with local beekeepers for honey production is another step toward achieving Carbon Neutrality and equalizing emissions from SandenVendo's Italian production facility over the years.


In 2022, SandenVendo obtained the EcoVadis Gold medal and ISO 14064-1 (Carbon Footprint of Organization) certification. The company is certified with ISO 14001 (Environment) since 2009.

Following the Montreal Protocol and meeting three of the goals listed on the UN’s 2030 Agenda, the project will continue planting trees even after having achieved the ambitious goal of neutralizing the company’s overall CO2 emissions.

SandenVendo, as one of the key manufacturing players in the industry, acknowledges its role and the importance of acting wisely regarding the planet. For us, developing green projects and striving to find new approaches to fighting against climate change means leading by example while hopefully inspiring other players to follow.


We're proud to announce that we've taken steps to compensate for our CO2 emissions from our manufacturing processes (Scope 1) and energy consumption (Scope 2).


We're committed to a greener future and appreciate your support in our sustainability journey. Together, we make a positive impact on the environment.


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