How far can a company go to turn its green projects into a successful business model?

After covering the main endeavours of SandenVendo’s ambitious green projects aimed to act responsibly against climate change by neutralizing its CO2 emissions, today the group proudly announces the launch of a sustainable action that will foster and strengthen the ongoing environment programs.
As part of the corporate’s Carbon Neutral Project, which sees SandenVendo’s Italian plant contributing to the reforestation of a natural protected area nearby the manufacturing site in Northern Italy, the group opened to the idea of donating a part of the sales profits to the above-mentioned project.

Read more about Carbon Neutral Project

SandenVendo will use part of the sales profits to plant trees and equalize its CO2 emissions

Symbol of energy and wildlife, trees are the lungs of the world: SandenVendo’s strategy is to plant trees to equalize its CO2 emissions due to the plant’s activity. The company will keep on reforesting the River Po Park area near Casale Monferrato even after having reached such ambitious yet needed goal with Carbon Neutral Project.




This “give and take” program will be endorsed by a special sticker that will be applied on each vending machine sold to the cause; such sticker, that will include a QR code for people to scan and discover more about the project, is to be intended as a friendly reminder of the good made by that machine.

Today, taking on environment-friendly solutions, not only does it represent a challenge for the company and the people involved, but it represents an occasion: a golden ticket that could turn average businesses into successful best practices.

SandenVendo is willing to lead the green change revolution by example, one tree at a time.
