

It is with great sorrow that we announce that Alberto Spinoglio, Chief Executive Officer of SandenVendo Europe S.p.A, passed away on 27th December 2018 due to unexpected complications from a recent illness.

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Vending Magazine n. 348

An advertising is published on Vending Magazine n. 348 - October 2018 version. 
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Sanden CDU pubblication on Industria & Formazione

Sanden's CO2 condensing unit advert is published on International special issue of 2018-19 

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G-Drink HC on Vending Intenational September 2018 edition G-Drink HC on Vending International September 2018 edition

SandenVendo G-Drink HC was introduced by Vending International UK sector magazine September 2018 issue. 

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Vending International  -UK - June 2018

Preview of Venditalia 2018, here is the SandenVendo's advert on UK sector managine :  Vending International 

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